GraphArea QML Type

An area that graphs can be added to. More...

Import Statement: import QuickGraphLib




Detailed Description

See also Basic sin graph (without prefabs) and Inverted axes.

Property Documentation

dataTransform : matrix4x4 [read-only]

Transform from data coordinates to pixel coordinates inside the GraphArea with the viewTransform applied.

effectiveViewRect : rect [read-only]

The view rect the view is actually showing based on viewTransform.

rawDataTransform : matrix4x4 [read-only]

Transform from data coordinates to pixel coordinates inside the GraphArea.

viewRect : rect [required]

The area in data coordinates that the graph covers.

viewTransform : matrix4x4

An additional transform that can be used to zoom/translate the graph area without affecting the original view rect.

See also ZoomPanHandler::viewTransform and viewTransformFromRect.

Method Documentation


Convert a view rect r into a base transform suitable for use with a ZoomPanHandler.

See also ZoomPanHandler::baseTransform.


Convert a base transform baseTransform into a view transform suitable for viewTransform.


Convert a view rect r into a view transform suitable for viewTransform.