QuickGraphLib C++/Python Classes

The C++/Python API provided by the QuickGraphLib module. More...



A subclass of QList<qreal> with better QML compatibility


A subclass of QPolygonF with better QML compatibility

Detailed Description

For more information on the QuickGraphLib module, see the QuickGraphLib module documentation.

Usage from Python

To use the module, import the Python module:

 import QuickGraphLib

And then access the classes using QuickGraphLib.ClassName.

In addition to the classes listed above, the Python API provides the following functions / constants:

Module QuickGraphLib

  • QML_IMPORT_PATH: pathlib.Path - The QML import path that can be provided to QQmlEngine::addImportPath to ensure QuickGraphLib can be imported by QML
  • __version__: str - The version of QuickGraphLib in string form
  • __version_tuple__: tuple[int | str, ...] - The version of QuickGraphLib in tuple (parsed) form

Module QuickGraphLib.contours

  • contour_line(x: Sequence[Sequence[float]], y: Sequence[Sequence[float]], z: Sequence[Sequence[float]], height: float) -> Sequence[QGLPolygonF] - Construct a contour line from the 3D mesh described by x, y and z at the height height
  • contour_fill(x: Sequence[Sequence[float]], y: Sequence[Sequence[float]], z: Sequence[Sequence[float]], heights: tuple[float, float]) -> Sequence[QGLPolygonF] - Construct a contour fill from the 3D mesh described by x, y and z between the two values in heights