Complex graph
A complex graph with lines, histograms, changing data and user interaction.
This example is a spaghetti mess of various plots on the same axes. It can be used as an example of how to structure graphs, or as an example of what to avoid. Your choice.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Refeyn Ltd and other QuickGraphLib contributors // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound import QtQuick import QtQuick.Shapes as QQS import QtQuick.Layouts as QQL import QtQuick.Controls as QQC import QuickGraphLib as QuickGraphLib import QuickGraphLib.GraphItems as QGLGraphItems Item { id: root property double offset: 0 Timer { interval: 1000 / 60 repeat: true running: true onTriggered: root.offset += 1 / 60 } QQL.ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 4 QuickGraphLib.AntialiasingContainer { QQL.Layout.fillHeight: true QQL.Layout.fillWidth: true QQL.GridLayout { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 20 columnSpacing: 0 columns: 2 rowSpacing: 0 QuickGraphLib.Axis { id: yAxis QQL.Layout.fillHeight: true dataTransform: grapharea.dataTransform direction: QuickGraphLib.Axis.Direction.Left ticks: QuickGraphLib.Helpers.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 11) } QuickGraphLib.GraphArea { id: grapharea QQL.Layout.fillHeight: true QQL.Layout.fillWidth: true viewRect: Qt.rect(-20, -1.1, 760, 2.2) viewTransform: pinchArea.viewTransform QuickGraphLib.ZoomPanHandler { id: pinchArea anchors.fill: parent maxScale: Qt.size(20, 1) } QGLGraphItems.Grid { dataTransform: grapharea.dataTransform strokeColor: "#11000000" strokeWidth: 1 viewRect: grapharea.viewRect xTicks: xAxis.ticks yTicks: yAxis.ticks } QGLGraphItems.AxVSpan { id: span dataTransform: grapharea.dataTransform fillColor: "#22000000" strokeColor: "grey" strokeWidth: 1 viewRect: grapharea.viewRect xMax: 90 + spanSlider.value xMin: 90 } Text { color: "brown" horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter text: "I'm an\naxvspan" x: (span.topLeftPoint.x + span.bottomRightPoint.x) / 2 - width / 2 y: (span.topLeftPoint.y + span.bottomRightPoint.y) / 2 - height / 2 } QGLGraphItems.Histogram { id: histogram bins: QuickGraphLib.Helpers.linspace(0, 720, 201) dataTransform: grapharea.dataTransform heights: QuickGraphLib.Helpers.linspace(0, 720, 200).map(x => Math.sin(x / 180 * Math.PI / freqSlider.value)) strokeColor: "green" strokeWidth: 1 fillGradient: QQS.LinearGradient { y1:, 1)).y y2:, -1)).y GradientStop { color: "#5500ff00" position: 0.0 } GradientStop { color: "#55ffff00" position: 0.5 } GradientStop { color: "#55ff0000" position: 1.0 } } } QGLGraphItems.Line { id: linearLine dataTransform: grapharea.dataTransform path: QuickGraphLib.Helpers.linspace(0, 720, 100).map(x => Qt.point(x, x / 720)) strokeColor: "blue" strokeWidth: 2 } QGLGraphItems.Line { id: sinLine dataTransform: grapharea.dataTransform path: QuickGraphLib.Helpers.linspace(0, 720, 100).map(x => Qt.point(x, Math.sin(x / 180 * Math.PI + root.offset))) strokeColor: "red" strokeWidth: 2 } Text { property point pos: - (root.offset / Math.PI * 180) % 360 + 90, 1)) horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter text: "A peak!" x: pos.x - width / 2 y: pos.y - height Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "yellow" opacity: 0.5 z: -1 } } QGLGraphItems.BasicLegend { anchors.margins: 10 anchors.right: parent?.right parent?.top QGLGraphItems.BasicLegendItem { strokeColor: sinLine.strokeColor text: "Sin(θ + %1)".arg(Number(root.offset).toFixed(2)) } QGLGraphItems.BasicLegendItem { strokeColor: linearLine.strokeColor text: "Linear" } QGLGraphItems.BasicLegendItem { fillGradient: histogram.fillGradient strokeColor: histogram.strokeColor text: "Histogram" } } } Item { } QuickGraphLib.Axis { id: xAxis QQL.Layout.fillWidth: true dataTransform: grapharea.dataTransform decimalPoints: 0 direction: QuickGraphLib.Axis.Direction.Bottom ticks: QuickGraphLib.Helpers.linspace(0, 720, 9) } QuickGraphLib.ShapeRepeater { graphArea: grapharea model: QuickGraphLib.Helpers.linspace(0, 720, freqSlider.value) QGLGraphItems.AxVLine { required property var modelData dataTransform: grapharea.dataTransform position: modelData strokeColor: "blue" strokeWidth: 3 viewRect: grapharea.viewRect } } } } QQL.RowLayout { QQC.Label { text: "Freq: %1".arg(Number(freqSlider.value).toFixed(1)) } QQC.Slider { id: freqSlider from: 0.1 stepSize: 0.1 to: 10 } QQC.Label { text: "Span Width" } QQC.Slider { id: spanSlider from: 90 stepSize: 30 to: 540 } QQC.Button { text: "Reset zoom" onClicked: pinchArea.reset() } } } }