Dark theme sin graph
An example of customising colors to make a dark theme.
This example is the same as Basic sin graph, except that the theme has been extensively customised. Changes include:
- Dark background and light axes
- Light text, with adjusted font weights and styles
- Light legend
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Refeyn Ltd and other QuickGraphLib contributors // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import QtQuick import QuickGraphLib as QuickGraphLib import QuickGraphLib.GraphItems as QGLGraphItems import QuickGraphLib.PreFabs as QGLPreFabs QGLPreFabs.XYAxes { id: axes background.color: "black" grid.strokeColor: "#33ffffff" viewRect: Qt.rect(-20, -1.1, 760, 2.2) xAxis.labelColor: "#ffaaaa" xAxis.labelFont.bold: true xAxis.strokeColor: "white" xAxis.tickLabelColor: "white" xAxis.tickLabelFont.italic: true xLabel: "Angle (°)" yAxis.labelColor: "#ffaaaa" yAxis.labelFont.bold: true yAxis.strokeColor: "white" yAxis.tickLabelColor: "white" yAxis.tickLabelFont.italic: true yLabel: "Value" QGLGraphItems.Line { id: sinLine dataTransform: axes.dataTransform path: QuickGraphLib.Helpers.linspace(0, 720, 100).map(x => Qt.point(x, Math.sin(x / 180 * Math.PI))) strokeColor: "red" strokeWidth: 2 } QGLGraphItems.BasicLegend { anchors.margins: 10 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top border.color: "white" color: "#33ffffff" QGLGraphItems.BasicLegendItem { strokeColor: sinLine.strokeColor text: "Sin(θ)" textColor: "white" } } }